Thursday, March 14

'I am Pakistan' pictorial contest

In order to mark International women’s day this year, Tashadud Namanzur has launched a pictorial contest. Tashadud Namanzur is a social media campaign initiated to voice concerns and raise awareness regarding different forms of violence against women, prevalent in our society. The contest was launched as a follow-up to the youth dialogue organized by United Nations Pakistan in collaboration with Oxfam GB, EVAWG Alliance and Men Engage Alliance to commemorate the International Women’s day at Quaid-i-Azam University. The dialogue focused on demanding effective steps to put an end to violence against women.
To raise awareness,Tashadud Namanzur has employed different mediums in past, ranging from blogs to podcasts etc. However, this time it has taken the support of the emotional element, a picture has to offer, to take its cause to the next level.
Under the name of ‘I am Pakistan’, this pictorial contest would depict the brighter side of being a woman in Pakistan to the entire world.  It aims to highlight the contributions of  women to our society in different walks and aspects of life alongside men and how today’s woman has redefined her clichéd vulnerable existence.
To take part in the contest, just upload a picture which satisfies the above-mentioned criterion, preferably one which shows a woman working in her particular field of life. The subject, however should have acceded to be photographed.
·         Submission of entries is open till a month from March 8th.
·         Each submitted picture will be pinned to the map of Pakistan on our website, based on its location. The map is available at:
·         Renowned and reputable fashion and art photographer, Tapu Javeri is serving as the judge for this contest.
·         Best photo shall receive an iPad mini and Sony Cybershot camera will be awarded to the following two runner-ups.
The pictures can be uploaded here: To have a look at the set of rules for the contest, follow the link: If you have any other queries, check out our website  ( for further details, or drop a message at 

Don’t hold back to show what you’ve got to win this contest and show support for our noble cause. Your participation is just a picture away.