Seeing this window after almost an year feels kinda weird let alone actually writing a blog when I'm most of the time planning to write one but all planning goes in vain when my eyes dart their way on to Facebook homepage and I simply replace the thought "You-Were-Supposed-To-Be-Blogging" ,constantly nagging me by a more powerful and effective one "Kal kar loon gi". And you know it. Tomorrow seldom comes but it does. If you're one of those people who believe in "Tomorrow never comes", then you better get your ass working, so your tomorrow can at least show up once in a while.
I'm pretty amazed that I've succeeded to write this far. Let's keep it going.
Music has proved to be a drug for me since past months. I can't just stop listening to it and singing is something which takes me outta this world for a while and I can't help but be grateful for this lil while. Music soothes and calms me down. Whenever I'm feeling down, I sing and it apparently makes me get back up. And when I'm unable to sing, that's when I know that there's actually something wrong with me. The hilarious part is that I don't mind being sick and if I do I don't start caring until it somehow starts affecting my voice.
Words are empty until you imbue them with true corresponding feelings. "Word is just a word, till you mean what you say." Nowadays, I feel like my words have been losing momentum they used to possess once. And this point of concern is enough to keep me thinking for days. Like I needed one more to my already crammed in to-think-about list. Yes. I do maintain this rarely mentioned list in my mind. It's sort of a planner which helps me run a mile from "being disorganized" but I need to find a more effective way of "being organized". Avoiding disorganization doesn't necessarily put you on the track of organization. There is an abstract difference between " not being disorganized" and "being organized" even though in literary terms it would lead us to a common understanding. This analogy might help: If something is "not white", it doesn't necessarily mean that it'd be "black".
In the end, I feel like sharing this quote which is soon (as soon as my tomorrow comes) to be listed as one of my "Favorite quotations" on my Facebook profile and is currently serving as my status update.
"In life when you have to make a choice, just toss a coin. Not because it settles the quest; But while the coin is in the air, you'll know what your heart is hoping for."
lovely dear:)